Just Be Kind
‘If You can Be Anything Be Kind’-Unknown.
Well, I think I know why you are here, either your parents are trying to raise a good child, or you’re a bad person that wants to do some good, or you're basically anyone. SO, I didn’t actually Think You’d come this far, but I guess I have to explain how to be good to YOU, Yes YOU, YOU, The one that is reading this right now, Yes THAT YOU! Flat-earther YOU! Ok so, I’ll be starting how to be nice after you read this;
1. Smile and make someone's day a little sweeter.
2. Look for ways you can promote peace.
3. Just listen.
4. Offer a hug or embrace.
5. Invite someone new into your friend tribe.
6. Send out a kind email or card.
7. Give someone a genuine compliment.
8. Help clean up, without being asked, help someone out in a practical way.
9. Hold open the door for the person behind you.
10. Encourage a friend or family member when they are uncertain or unmotivated.
11. Make peace with someone that has hurt you.
12. Strike up a conversation with a stranger.
13. Let someone into your lane while driving.
14. Pay for the person behind you in line.
15. Give your time to a friend or someone who needs it.
16. Say Thank You and Please every day without fail.
After you finish this I have a Kindness Quiz for You.
Each right question gives you 1 point.
If you get more than 5 points then I will help you become the Best YOU!
You Have $10, And You’re going to buy an Ice cream and see a homeless person, what do you do?
Give the money to the homeless man.
Buy The Ice Cream For Yourself.
Buy an Ice cream for the homeless Man.
Slap the Homeless Person And say “GET A JOB”.
Give the homeless man a disappointed look.
2. You See a Depressed person at the mall, What do you Do?
Compliment Them.
Pay For their Counselling
Buy them A Drink
Give Them A Hug and A Chocolate Bar.
3. You See one of your Schoolmates doing Good. What do you do?
Start a Rumour about them.
Tell The Teacher a bad thing about them.
Tell the Teacher about the good deed.
Congratulate them.
4. You see some un-disabled people parking in a Disabled parking spot. What do you do?
Say you shouldn’t be parking there.
Complain to the manager
Be disappointed at them.
5. You see a stray dog on the street, what do you do?
Give it some food.
Call animal rescues.
Ignore it
Now if you got more than 3 points you may read the rest of the text;
Paragraph 1:
You should be kind because you’ll get some good karma, so if you give some money to some homeless people, and maybe in the future they’ll become rich and give some money. There are a lot of possibilities, such as just giving someone a compliment might save them from suicide. Just doing a small good deed, might save the world from changing back to the stone age.
Paragraph 2:
You’ll be liked by more people and you won’t be a hated piece of poop. Because if you are mean to someone they’ll tell other people and no one will be your friend, but if you just be nice to everyone you’ll have a lot of friends!!!
In conclusion, you should be nice to everyone because you don’t who’ll help you in the future.